Time Moves

Have I been more depressed before? Yes. Loosing my voice was the worst anything in my life from that point on revolves around the hole from that being gone. It amazes me how those who I may have thought understood what it meant did not really agree. So, how could I think they were truly my friends if we never talked about a voice or choir? Those that talked with me as if they understood, did not. In fact, until I understood it, I could not tell if they understood it. Therefore, we can conclude than anyone I knew before the end of ArtPrize 2024, I haven’t met anyone. I feel like Rodney at the Y knows me. But maybe he’s just a jovial happy person and since I feel good around him- I mean, he gets me to talk about getting goose responses! – I assume he knows me. He doesn’t want to know about the heavy intellectual junk. Just how’s it going. He asked about my kids and I said it was awful and he said, “Well tell them to hang in there,” with a smile of concern.

When I got up to the third floor, he passed by. It was a good omen. So was the Praying Mantis I saw this noon on the porch railng covered in Morning Glories. He had a sliver of green on the long bulbus abdomen area. The rest on his body was brown. I’d only seen green Praying Mantis’ before. Have you seen any? Do you let them climb on you? Do you look at their face? Man, it was nice to see him today. I felt that adenosine triphophate “take a picture” moment but I’ve been passing up things to get out S o M e T h I nG. That’s why I’ve been posting Youtube videos that haven’t been edited. I don’t talk to anyone about much of anything but I’m always busy. Granted when the kids were with me I had to be a mom and that puts a big fork in independence. I have no problem filling my time.

Others probably don’t either. I could do so much of a better job at all this stuff I’m trying to pull together if I had creative people help with the production and quality and production quality. People go to school for years to advance layers of thought. I’m just so used to being shut down and I’ve put most of this together from in between moments of “joining the choir”.

But wait, isn’t it all the choir? Robert, what song is your favorite? I can’t beleive I never asked you that question. I don’t even know what part you sing. You know when your voice moves from chest to head the chords actually change lenth? I’d been meaning to reasearch if they’re both controlled by the same brain hemisphere.

At least I am able to make sounds and have the power to use the sounds I make.

Making a pair of gloves for my son – that’s the feature photo. I should make a pair for my daughter too.

The winning piece of Art Prize was a sunset. How fitting. I am glad that push of energy has moved on to a new 3rd floor!