Silence My Soul

The song is in three rounds.

The first is the soloist from the same height as the nearly three foot tall pipe organ.

A voice like I didn’t know was real, stealthily snuk in to the airwaves of human sound – drum frequency coaxing,

“Silence my soul, these trees are prayers.

I asked the tree, “Tell me about God,”


It blossomed.”

After it, those few lines are sung two more times.

Surrounded by the choir, the congregation hears it sung by the choir.

The third time is either a call and response or the altos are a phrase behind the sopranos three times. It was so confusing.

The feature image is another son we are scheduled to sing this morning. I sang it in high school. Back then, I sang the soprano line. A super amazing revelation is I know how to read music now! Very rudimentarily and slow …that’s how everyone starts? I can play quick impromptu but the fact I can do that and not actually read music may be why I get thought to be something other than I am kind of too much to be harmonius. Maybe that happens to everyone. Maybe everyone will be in harmony when I am. So I should probably go sing about how the trees are prayers, huh.

I realized I was out of caffeine so I had to wait longer to start my ride. Vocal progress is going pretty well I’d say. Vocalizzo, if you like to exercise your voice, get that app because it will help you do a good job. I should make a video of it for the YouTube channel. Y aaaaaaaWn NNNnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin g.

While I was waiting I tore grass up in front of the two season Dahlia – it is a wonder! and lined the space with tiles from my house-neighbor. I then filled it in with the lava rocks from the West side of the house. I’m going to see if Orchids will fill that space.

Is it best if I go sing or not? I can mess with the flowers later but I am yawning pretty bad and I am awfully socialy obtrusive when I’m not alert. even then. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Knitted Rectangle

I didn’t end up going. The downstairs woman’s husband has all sorts of theories about what I know I’m doing and who I am and I get mad and roll my eyes because it’s gossip. Hardly anything isn’t imposition. When is imposition good? What is goo vs bad?